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‘one life, one career’ concept is not the norm anymore

Shahista Gilani

It’s amazing how career journeys have evolved over the last few decades.

What we were taught growing up:

- Become an engineer, doctor, or accountant
- Stay in the same company for at least 10 years
- Go to the office 5-6 days a week
- Work hard, impress your boss, climb the corporate ladder
- Retire and feel good about your loyalty and years of service

What career trajectories really look like today:

- Do the work that reflects your skills and interests
- Work at multiple companies and have 2-3 careers in a lifetime
- Work from home, or anywhere else, as long as the work gets done
- Portfolio of careers over doing just one thing your whole life
- Side hustles as entrepreneur, freelancer, content creator, investor, etc

The ‘one life, one career’ concept is not the norm anymore.

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